File Sharing Programs For Mac Os X
From AFP to SMB2 Apple has maintained and enhanced its own AFP file sharing since it was first introduced in the late 1980s as part of the original Macintosh's easy-to-use networking system (below).. Macs running OS X 10 9 Mavericks will automatically default to using SMB2 when talking to each other, and fall back to AFP when file sharing with Macs running previous versions of OS X or when working with Time Machine backups. Chicago Manual Style Documentation System - Free Software and Shareware
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From AFP to SMB2 Apple has maintained and enhanced its own AFP file sharing since it was first introduced in the late 1980s as part of the original Macintosh's easy-to-use networking system (below).. Macs running OS X 10 9 Mavericks will automatically default to using SMB2 when talking to each other, and fall back to AFP when file sharing with Macs running previous versions of OS X or when working with Time Machine backups. 34bbb28f04 Chicago Manual Style Documentation System - Free Software and Shareware
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